Monday, November 28, 2011

Sufficient Grace

One of the things that I really love about homeschooling is how much God teaches me while I am busy teaching. We have been doing this homeschool thing for 21 years now. There have been some great days. I enjoy the days when the kids seem to "get it", things go smoothly, and everyone gets along. Those days are icing on the cake. They are the fun days, the days you want those who are considering homeschooling to see. Those are not the common days.
That is okay, though. The common days are the ones where the regular flow of life happens. The school work gets done, sometimes not until after dinner. Chores are finished, not always joyfully, and we all bump along together.
It is the rough days, however, that can be the best ( only in retrospect, of course). Those days where there is crying over school work, frustration over the lack of cooperation around the house, and a general selfishness that fills the air are the ones that God uses to grow me the most. Those are the days where He increases my patience, my reliance on Him, and my realization of His amazing love for me. Those are the days that show me just who I really am and how very undeserving I am of a Savior who died for me. On the good days, I begin to think that I have it all under control and I am doing okay. It is the hard days that get me on my knees begging God for grace to make it through. And He always supplies my needs.
One of the greatest benefits of teaching my children at home is how much I have grown in my understanding of who God is and who I am. My advice? Embrace those difficult days, thank the Lord for the tears and tantrums, and remember that He is your Heavenly Father, willing and able to bless you with every good gift, including the grace to wake up the next day ready to do it all again.


  1. If someone asked me why I would move back to Palm Bay, I would sit at the feet of Melanie Thurman. Love your wisdom and where you get it from...needed this today, I'm so thankful you blog!
