Saturday, July 3, 2010


My dictionary says respect is a regard for or appreciation of the fundamental worth or value of someone or something. I'd say that our society is missing this important value. Maybe it is because we don't have to work hard for things anymore. We just plop down the plastic and it is ours (as long as we can keep up the minimum monthly payments). Maybe it is our freedom of speech gone awry. We denigrate political figures, religious leaders, and entertainment stars holding them to a standard that we would not be able to keep in their position. Maybe it is because we teach students in our schools that we are all an accident of cosmic proportions instead of a special creation made by a loving God. I don't know what it is that has caused us to lose respect, but we need to regain it.

Why shouldn't our children learn to say,"Yes, ma'am." and, "No, sir."? Shouldn't we honor the office of President of the United States even if we don't agree with or didn't vote for the man who holds the office currently? Isn't it better for society if we hold our tongues about private family matters instead of airing them on national television inviting the scorn of thousands. Can't we say to our neighbor, "I understand what you are saying, but I don't agree with you." without it being grounds for a neighborhood battle?

Respect doesn't mean I have to agree with everything that you say or do. It means that I am considerate and treat you with courtesy. I regard you as at least as important as I am. Maybe that is really why respect is missing these days. We have all become too selfish to consider anyone else. I know I'll be working on that. How about you?

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