Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Repent and Be Worshipful

"We do not always think of repentance as worship, but it can be much easier to sing a rousing hymn than to turn away from our favorite sin. A sinful act involves worship of the wrong kind, submitting ourselves at that moment to serve the appetites of our pride or lust, and so repentance is literally a transfer of our worship back to the One who rightfully owns it... Worship has been misunderstood as something that arises from a feeling which comes upon you, but it is vital that we understand that it is rooted in a conscious act of the will, to serve and obey the Lord Jesus Christ. The feelings, the joy of having been forgiven, follow on as a consequence of our reunion with Him." Graham Kendrick

I have been ruminating on this quote for a while now. I want to give my thoughts, but they are all over the place. Do I confess that I worship things that are not worthwhile rather than God? Do I discuss how worship is an intentional act, not a feel good moment? Do I ponder how difficult it is to turn from our sinful desires to offer ourselves up to the Lord? I think, instead, I will just leave you with these awesome words and allow you to meditate on them for a while. Read over them a few times. Reflect. Ask God to reveal His thoughts to you here. Then, let's join together to worship God with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength.

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