Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm So Pretty

When a homeschooled student won the National Spelling Bee I heard all about it from many homeschooling families, but when a homeschooler won Miss America, all was quiet on the homeschool front. Why is that? Are we just a bit ashamed? Are we worried that the world will now see us as vain and self-absorbed because she won a beauty pageant instead of an academic award? I would hope that is not the case. (Yes, I know that Miss America must be talented, poised, and intelligent, but we all realize she doesn't have a hope of making on stage if she isn't pretty too.)

Consider this. Our magnificent God created a beautiful world for us to enjoy. He made beauty and gave us the capacity to appreciate it. Not only that, He made us beautiful. Just try reading Song of Solomon. When we look at a gorgeous sunset or the majesty of the Grand Canyon do we shy away from commenting on the beauty and splendor of the view? No, like our Maker we appreciate that which is beautiful.

Yes, we are a youth and beauty obsessed culture, but let us not swing the pendulum too far in the opposite direction. It would be just as sinful to deny the beauty that the Lord has placed here on earth for us to enjoy as it is to worship it.

Let us congratulate this young lady on her achievements. Let us appreciate the way the Lord has created her (and all of us) in His image. Let us remember to pray for her; that she use this gift that she has been given to glorify Him and not herself.

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