Monday, June 13, 2011

Love Wins

I've been hearing about Mr. Bell's book Love Wins quite a bit lately. I haven't read it and have no desire to do so, but many whose opinion I respect have read and commented on it. I appreciate hearing so many in the church stand up against some of the ideas presented in this book, especially the thought that sometime after we die, we can choose to leave hell and go to heaven.

One thought that I have heard from more than one source is that we should be appreciative to Mr. Bell for asking tough questions that many outside (and some within) the church are asking. I guess I can understand that line of reasoning. I am appreciative because I think he has pointed out an area that the church has seriously failed in the last few decades.

It seems that the church has been so busy preaching that God is love, mercy, grace and forgiveness that they have forgotten about God's justice and wrath. God warns from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation that he punishes the guilty, the wages of sin is death, and hell awaits those who do not repent and acknowledge Christ as Lord and Savior. Everything in the Bible points to this truth, but you are hard pressed to find a preacher who preaches this from his pulpit on Sunday morning. When is the last time you heard your pastor stand up and call you a sinner? When is the last time that you heard him say that, except for the grace of God, you were destined spend eternity in hell? Can you remember the last sermon you heard on His loving justice? We have failed those who don't know and read the Bible when we don't tell them the whole story.

Yes, God is love, but His love requires punishing the guilty. Perfect love requires perfect justice. Perfect justice requires that those who sin against a pure and holy God banished to hell FOREVER. There is no changing your mind after death. There is no post mortem second chance. Either Jesus is your Lord and Savior and you are presented before the Almighty Judge clothed in His righteousness or you are damned to suffer eternally. Maybe the church should get busy letting people know that. After all, if we really love others, don't we want them to avoid such a horrific future?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not familiar with the "Love Wins" book, but I appreciate your post. This last school year in Bible Study Fellowship we studied Isaiah where we learned of God's justice and wrath as well as His mercy and grace. It's nice to focus on the "positive" side of God, but we have to know that God's justice and wrath are just as much a part of His character.
