Thursday, April 28, 2011

Singing Rocks

"I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." Jesus is replying to the Pharisees when they are upset with the followers praising Christ on his entry into Jerusalem.

It reminds me how very important the job of singing Christs' praises is. It is so vital that God will make the stones cry out if we, as Christians, fail to do our job. While that would be something amazing to see, I don't want to be in the position of being disobedient to God in order to see singing rocks.

It also reminds me that I am no one special. I am not particularly eloquent, intelligent, or gifted. I am not the focus here. It is my job to focus others on Christ. I am no more important than a stone. I am blessed to be used by God, but I should always keep in mind that it is ALL about Him and not about me. After all, if a rock can do my work, it certainly doesn't take any great skill.

Let's be sure that we are not keeping silent. Don't let the rocks take your job away (there is already enough problem with outsourcing these days). Sing His praise loud and long. Don't worry if anyone is listening or not, if they agree or not, if they choose Christ or not. Leave that up to God. Let's be sure that we are being obedient to our call.

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