Monday, May 2, 2011

Justice and Forgiveness

God doesn't forgive sins. He punishes sins so that sinners may be forgiven.

I heard a pastor not too long ago state that God's justice is not the same for everyone. He was speaking to the fact that some people seem to regard God as unfair when he metes out mercy to some and not to others. I have to agree that God's mercy is not given out in equal amounts, but I disagree that His justice is not the same for all. If God is just, then His laws must apply to everyone in the same way, and everyone must face the same punishment for breaking the law. God is just. God's laws apply equally to everyone. The wages of sin (breaking the law of God) is death for each and every lawbreaker ever created. There are no exceptions.

Fortunately, for those who are called by His name, God has provided a substitute who is willing to take our punishment upon Himself. Not only did Christ live a perfect life and obey all of God's laws, He willingly exchanged that perfection with my dirty, sin-filled life and went to the cross to satisfy my just God. God's justice didn't change. Death was still required for my law breaking ways. Christ lovingly met that need, so that I will spend eternity glorifying Him.

If God wasn't just, He wouldn't be God, and He wouldn't be worthy of our worship and praise. I am so glad that I can count on Him to be perfectly just. I am so thankful that He provided a spotless Redeemer to pay what I owe Him.

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