Sunday, April 18, 2010

Getting Started

I wonder if starting a blog is arrogant. Who am I that people would even care to hear what I think about issues and ideas? I'll tell you who I am. Nobody. That's right. I have no authority, special position, power, wisdom or anything else that sets me apart. I am no better or worse than anyone else out there. I am smarter than some, but much more ignorant than others. In spite of that, I decided to blog away. I don't know if anyone will read. It would be nice if they did. I'd really like to hear what other people think, even if they don't agree with me. (As my dad used to say, "You're entitled to your own opinion, even if you are wrong.") I'm sure that some of what I write will be wrong. Feel free to correct my mistakes. I want what I write here to glorify God, but I know myself well enough to realize that some of it, maybe most, will be self serving. I pray that what I write will make you think. I'd love it if you would pray too.

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