Friday, May 14, 2010

If the house is dark when nightfall comes, there is no sense in blaming the house; that is what happens when the sun goes down. The question to ask is "Where is the light?" Similarly, if the meat goes bad and becomes inedible, there is not sense in blaming the meat; that is what happens when bacteria are left alone to breed. The question to ask is "Where is the salt?" Just so, if society deteriorates and its standards decline until it becomes like a dark night or a stinking fish, there is no sense in blaming society; that is what happens when fallen men and women are left to themselves, and human selfishness is unchecked. The question to ask is " Where is the Church? Why are the salt and light of Jesus Christ not permeating and changing our society?" It is sheer hypocrisy on our part to raise our eyebrows, shrug our shoulders, or wring our hands. The Lord Jesus told us to be the world's salt and light. If therefore darkness and rottenness abound, it is largely our fault and we must accept the blame. - John Stott

I confess. Sometimes it is much easier for me to be around Christians than non-Christians. It is a safe place for me to move and I can almost be on auto pilot as I go through the day. But that is not what God has called me to. I am to be in the world just not of it. I am to take part in the activities and daily life that goes on around me. Most importantly, I am to be a representative of the Most Holy God before those who do not know Him. I haven't been doing as good a job as I should. It is hard. It is uncomfortable. It makes me nervous.

I am so grateful that Jesus didn't use those excuses. He was willing to leave Heaven and come to Earth in the first place so that there would be light and salt. I am sure that it would have been easier for him to hang around with the angels than with us sinners. It was bound to be more comfortable at the Father's right hand than hanging on a cross. But he didn't stop to think about what He would prefer, He was about bringing glory to God.

Salt kills the bacteria, preserves the meat and adds flavor to the dish. Light ends the darkness and shows the way. Neither one is comfortable. Salt stings. Light makes you squint if you've been in the dark too long. Being salt and light is not easy and does not bring you popularity, but it is desperately needed in this world. Stop shaking your head and shrugging your shoulders and get out there with the Truth.

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