Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lies, Lies, Lies

A friend lent me the book Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe. As I read, I realized that I have fallen for every single one of these lies more than once. I also realized that they had nothing to do with my homeschooling journey, but rather with my job as mom. That is why I highly recommend this book to every mother that I know. It is a very quick, easy read, but so very worthwhile. It won't stop you from falling victim to the lies, but you will recognize them and know how to combat them.

We all realize that we fall way short of perfect and Satan uses that to drive a wedge between us and the Father. We need to fight back. No, we are not perfect. We fail all of the time, but God is sovereign. He is able to overcome our mistakes and brings about His will using us. It is a blessing in our lives to have a loving merciful God who directs our paths. My youngest daughter often says to me, "You are the perfect mom for me." I love hearing that. It is a reminder to me that God chose these particular children to be mine. He knew my faults and sins. He knew when and where I would screw up, but He gave me these children because no one else would raise them and teach them as I would. When we get that nailed down, we are freed from tremendous guilt and pressure. We are free to do the best that we can with who and what we are.

Do you find yourself thinking that everyone else's kids are better, home is cleaner, meals are healthier, or marriage more fulfilling? Do you think their quiet time is more spiritual, or they are more capable? If any of those thoughts have crossed your mind in the past two weeks (and I'm pretty sure they have), get hold of a copy of this book. You will be glad you did.

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