Thursday, May 26, 2011

Do You Remember

As families get together in the next couple of months for family reunions the question "Do you remember?" is sure to be oft repeated. We gather with loved ones from far and near across the generations and revel in our shared memories. Think about your most treasured memories from the past five years or from when you were five. How many of those memories revolve around how clean the house was? How many times did you think about the dishes matching? Did it matter in your memories if you were dressed in the latest fashion?

My guess is that most of our most precious memories center around people. We remember the things that people said to us, what they did with us, how they showed that they cared for us. We remember the things that really matter the most. That should be a wake up call for each of us today and every day. Let's invest our time and energy into the things that will make a difference. Invite your neighbor over for coffee even if you haven't dusted in a week (or two in my case). Ask the young mom of four preschoolers over for lunch. I know the only thing you have in the cabinets is pb&j, but she isn't going to mind because she is starved for adult conversation and the knowledge that she is not alone. Spend the afternoon making mudpies with your kids. The dirt will come out in the wash, but the memory will be forever.

My brother and I don't get together often, but when we do our greatest laughs come from those precious shared memories. I don't want to be so focused on making things "perfect" that I miss out on those opportunities God has in place for me. My challenge to myself and to you is to let go of the ideal and live each day to the fullest. You will find a grin on your face much more often.


  1. Oh I loved this!! So very true! This was very convicting thank you so much for posting and sharing!

  2. I started to respond but found I had a whole post worth of comments.
