Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just Get Over It

Today a friend told me "Get over the 'abortion' issue - they don't really care and are just using it to control your vote." What he doesn't seem to understand is that it is not my greatest concern that the politicians care about abortion.

Yes, I would like them to see that protecting the life of unborn children is part of their calling as public servants, but it is not essential to me that they embrace that if they are voting that way. If their desire to keep their cushy political jobs is causing them to vote that way, fine by me. If it is because they don't want to go against their mama, that works too. I don't really care what causes a politician to vote to save a life. I just care that they vote that way.

Do we really think that the Democrats in Congress are so concerned with the lack of health care for the poor that they would jeopardize their jobs in order to make sure that everyone is covered by medical insurance or do we understand that a great way to stay in D.C. is to provide government hand outs to as many voters as possible? I am sure there are some true public servants in our nation's capital, but they are certain to be far outnumbered by those who are there to work the system to further themselves in this life. We all know this to be the case. I accept it, but that doesn't mean I don't support those who are voting the way I want on the issues that I feel are the most important. Isn't that they way the American government works?

It would be nice to see a Congress that was in office to serve the greatest good of the American people. Of course, that would mean a balanced budget, less government, and saving the lives of all Americans, even the unborn. Until that happens, I will continue to vote for those who vote against abortion whether they mean it or not. After all, I find it a little difficult to just "get over" the murder of hundreds of thousands of babies each year. Shouldn't you?

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