Monday, May 23, 2011

For The Kids

I watched the last 30 minutes of Celebrity Apprentice last night. It was interesting to me that both of these people were working for charities centered on the needs of children. Both made a big deal about how important it was to help out the kids, how much they deserved to win so that children could be helped. They sang "For The Kids", people wept, it was touching.

It amazes me how much we Americans care about the kids. We want to make sure they have food, clothing, shelter, education and health care. We want them to grow up safe and happy. All of that is great, but why is it we aren't so concerned that they get the chance to live? Why is it that we only seem to care about the welfare of our children after they are born? Actually, I don't even think this is true. I have read news stories concerning the murder of pregnant women where the killer is being charged with two counts of murder. That must mean that we have some concern for the unborn child. So, why is it we allow abortion in our country? Why is it okay with us if some preborn children are killed, but not others? What in the world is wrong with our ability to think logically and reasonably?

I would hope that someday soon America really is concerned about the children, all of the children. I would hope that we would see that caring about whether or not a child can hear doesn't do the child any good if he isn't even allowed to be born. We applaud St. Jude's and their tremendous effort to keep children alive while we willingly kill healthy children every day. What a screwed up world we live in. I think that maybe our society has a very sick soul indeed.

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